Webinar: Adapting Dietetics Education during Covid19 - emergency planning and new opportunities
2020 EuDAP Report / by admin / 1018 views / Popular
EFAD ELLLC organised its first webinar for EFAD Education Associate Members on adapting dietetics education during a pandemic.
This 45 minute session will include consideration of teaching virtually, as well as developing simulated placement tasks and assessment issues such as the virtual invigilation of examinations. Daniela Wewerka-Kreimel (Austria) and Angela Garcia Gonzalez (Spain) will give short presentations and the remaining time will allow group discussion to share current experiences.
To watch the webinar, please click here.
- Listing ID: 695
- National Dietetic Association: none or other than from the list
- EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
- EuDAP key objectives: Objective 5. Strengthen governance, alliances and networks
- Target audience: Educators
- Type: E-learning
- COVID-19 special issue: Yes
- Read more (link): http://www.efad.org/en-us/covid-19/5-webinars-on-the-topic/adapting-dietetics-education-during-covid19-emergency-planning-and-new-opportunities/