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VDD-Praxisleitfaden Ernährungstherapie bei SARS-CoV-2 / VDD Guideline on Nutrtional Therapy in SARS-CoV-2 (pandemic)

 2020 EuDAP Report / by Ursula Lukas / 917 views / Popular

The guideline deals with newborn, breastfeeding mothers, geriatrics and the general population from prevention to all stages of nutritional therapy in SARS-CoV-2 therapy. It addresses dietitians, physicians and all who work with nutritional therapy . The guideline is evidense based and provides with a wide range of links to websites in order to support prevention and therapy.
The guideline was uploaded in the member section of the VDD homepage. Non-members have access after payment.
The VDD plans free webinars basing on the guideline.
  • Listing ID: 579
  • National Dietetic Association: GERMANY - The German Association of Dietitians, Verband der Diätassisstenten-Deutscher Bundesverband e.V.
  • EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
  • EuDAP key objectives: Objective 1. Ensure that healthy food and nutrition is accessible, affordable, attractive and sustainable, Objective 2. Promote the gains of a healthy diet and nutritional support throughout the life course, Objective 3. Use dietitians as educators and experts in the community and clinical settings, Objective 4. Invest in establishing the effectiveness of dietitians, Objective 5. Strengthen governance, alliances and networks
  • Target audience: Health professionals, Special Groups, Educators, Policy Makers
  • Type: Document, Guideline
  • COVID-19 special issue: Yes
  • Participating countries or institutions: We used documents on the EFAD website and guidelines from ESPEN and DGEM.
  • Read more (link):
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Ursula LukasGermany *****

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