Training course for doctors
2018 EuDAP Report / by admin / 679 views / Popular
Training course for health staff (doctors and others) on dysphagia, the elderly and undernutrition.
Results: Better knowledge, awareness of issues, better screening of patients at risk, systematic requests for care
- Listing ID: 465
- National Dietetic Association: SWITZERLAND - Swiss Associaton of Registered Dietitians, Schweizerischer Verband diplomierter Ernährungsberater/innen
- EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
- EuDAP key objectives: Objective 3. Use dietitians as educators and experts in the community and clinical settings, Objective 4. Invest in establishing the effectiveness of dietitians, Objective 5. Strengthen governance, alliances and networks
- Target audience: Health professionals, Senior Citizens