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Policy paper on Nutrient Profiling

 2018 EuDAP Report / by admin / 1131 views / Popular

The Nutrient Profiling System (NPS) is a scientific method that evaluates the nutritional quality of foods and beverages, categorizing, classifying or ranking them according to their nutritional composition and their impact on health as regards to disease prevention and health promotion. The principal aim of the NPS has been to help consumers identify nutrient-rich foods, make decisions on food purchasing and improve diet quality by encouraging a healthy diet. NP models have a wide variety of public health uses, both educational and regulatory.

The current use of NPSs, primary for health claims, labelling and food marketing restrictions, is far from the potential that could be realized. To achieve their real potential, the European Commission should define a NP model and its conditions for the use of nutrition and health claims on foods. This model should take into account the quantities of nutrients and other substances present in the food, the role of the food in the diet of the general population or certain risk groups and the presence of nutrients whose health effects have been scientifically recognized.

This policy paper has been produced by the European Specialist Dietetic Network (ESDN) for Public Health of EFAD

  • Listing ID: 481
  • National Dietetic Association: PORTUGAL - Portuguese Association of Nutrition, Associação Portuguesa de Nutrição
  • EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
  • EuDAP key objectives: Objective 4. Invest in establishing the effectiveness of dietitians, Objective 5. Strengthen governance, alliances and networks
  • Target audience: Health professionals, Policy Makers, Industry
  • Type: Document
  • Participating countries or institutions: ESDN PH Members:
    Manuel Moñino (lead), Teresa Rodrigues, Amanda Avery, Bernadett Kiss-Tóth and Rute Borrego.
  • Read more (link):
Contact details

Teresa Rodrigues, EFAD ESDN Public Health Committee member, Portuguese Ministry of HealthPortugal Show phone number *****

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