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One Blue Dot - the BDA's Environmentally Sustainable Diet Project

 2018 EuDAP Report / by admin / 1343 views / Popular

One Blue Dot is the BDA’s Environmentally Sustainable Diet Project, created to help make our Sustainable Diets Policy a reality. It was launched in November 2018.

In the toolkit you will find a comprehensive reference guide, graphics, tools and links to help dietitians improve their understanding of environmentally sustainable diets and discuss these with their patients or clients. This is very much a “live” toolkit, and we will be adding more information and tools on a regular basis.


Up to 30% of GHG emissions globally are linked to agriculture and food production, and the environmental impact of the food we eat is one of the key changes we can make to tackle the issue of climate change. The BDA believes dietitians should be able to reconcile the nutritional and environmental science to give consistent messages about a healthy, sustainable and varied diet. They should be aware of the challenges that may result for vulnerable groups and individuals (e.g. those suffering ill health, pregnant women, people on low incomes, and older adults) and be able to provide advice on sustainable eating as appropriate.


In developing the toolkit, we co-designed activities to build insights into what members needed:
• a workshop at the BDA annual conference in March 2018 (54 delegates)
• a survey to BDA members in April 2018 (319 responses)
• a focus group in April 2018 (7 members)

This refined our thoughts on the toolkit scope and content. We set up a steering group of dietitians with expertise in this area, and were supported by dietitians from Alpro and their communications agency (Nutrilicious) as well.

The toolkit is a brand new resource for dietitians. The BDA is using it raise awareness amongst our membership and to encourage more dietitians to consider the importance of environmental impacts of food and nutrition. We are forming a specialist group with a particular focus on sustainable diets to both take forward the One Blue Dot toolkit, provide a network for professionals with an interest in this area and develop training and events on this topic.

The BDA has looked to share this work with colleagues internationally, helping them to translate the tools and evidence for their national context. Our workshop abstract on One Blue Dot has been accepted for ICDA 2020.


The toolkit launched on NutriWebinar and at the food industry’s flagship event ‘Food Matters Live’ in November 2018. Some of the impacts include:
• Downloads: We aimed for 500 in year 1, and reached this within 3 weeks of launch (5% of our members). The reference guide has now been downloaded more than 2500 times. The web page has also been accessed over 13,000 times since launch (making it our second most popular resource in 2018)
• Engagement. More than 130 individuals asked to be kept informed about the project and offered to promote it to their teams; 800 dietitians watched our launch webinar.
• Opinion: the webinar doubled the number of dietitians who felt confident that sustainable diets were also healthy diets (which was identified at the project planning stage as a key reservation)
• We aimed for 750 views of project video content but had 16,800 Facebook views of our launch interview with a steering group member

  • Listing ID: 471
  • National Dietetic Association: UNITED KINGDOM - The British Dietetic Association
  • EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
  • EuDAP key objectives: Objective 1. Ensure that healthy food and nutrition is accessible, affordable, attractive and sustainable, Objective 3. Use dietitians as educators and experts in the community and clinical settings
  • Target audience: Health professionals, Policy Makers
  • Type: Document
  • Read more (link):
Contact details

Jo Lewis, BDAUnited Kingdom Show phone number *****

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