Oncology Nutrition recommendations for cancer patients at risk for osteoporosis
2019 EuDAP Report / by admin / 617 views / Popular
Author: Diana Artene, ND, MNS, PhD
On behalf of EFAD European Specialist Dietetic Network for Oncology
The fact that estrogen receptor positive breast cancer patients have an increased risk of osteoporosis is frequently addressed by many medical oncologists only with calcium and vitamin D supplements, frequently without assessing first if the patient is deficient or not in these nutrients.
- Listing ID: 666
- National Dietetic Association: none or other than from the list
- EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
- EuDAP key objectives: Objective 3. Use dietitians as educators and experts in the community and clinical settings, Objective 4. Invest in establishing the effectiveness of dietitians
- Target audience: Health professionals
- Type: Document, Guideline
- Read more (link): http://www.efad.org/media/1809/oncology-nutrition-recommendations-for-cancer-patients-at-risk-for-osteoporosis.pdf