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Manifesto on dietitians-nutritionists in health care system

 2018 EuDAP Report / by admin / 702 views / Popular

Problem: no regulation of the profession at the public hospitals, and we have not introduced the dietitian-nutritionist in the primary care.

We have meetings with politicians about the regulation of the profession, and we are looking for different scientific and patients societies, who want to support our claims. We have made a systematic review about the cost-effective of the work of the dietitians-nutritionists at the hospitals and at the primary care and we presented them to the politicians. We also made an advertising campaign about clinical dietitian.

Manifesto to present the following proposal for reform of the Public Health System

The absence of dietitians-nutritionists in the Public Health System, together with the need to resolve irregular situations in the provision of services of a dietitian-nutritionist, requires a rapid and necessary intervention of the health authorities -state and autonomous- to :
  • To guarantee the conditions of effective equality contemplated for citizenship in the  General Health Law  of 1986 and that ResAP (2003 )  on Food and Nutritional Care in Hospitals is complied with  
  • Avoid unfair labor realities that cause many dietitians-nutritionists to be in the National Health System for years in precarious and unregulated working conditions.  
  • Resolve the lack of dietitians-nutritionists in the Spanish National Health System with respect to the rest of the countries of the European Union. That the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare be the promoter of the call and creation of public places, through the Interterritorial Health Council. 
  • Create the professional category of dietitian-nutritionist in those Autonomous Communities where it has not yet been created, to consolidate and regularize the situation of Graduates / Graduates in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 
  • Guarantee the health benefits of the Spanish population based on the following incorporation criteria: 
    • One dietitian-nutritionist for every 100 hospital beds in Specialized Care. 
    • One dietitian-nutritionist for every 50,000 health cards in Primary Care. 
    • One dietitian-nutritionist for every 500,000 inhabitants in Public Health. 
  • Modernize the National Health System through the incorporation of new health professions provided for in the Law on the Organization of Health Professions -LOPS- as well as the proposal on the  needs of human resources in the National Health System made by the Senate  -Commission of Health, Social Policy and Consumer Affairs – June 18, 2010. 
  • Listing ID: 298
  • National Dietetic Association: SPAIN - General Council Dietitians-Nutritionists of Spain (GCD-NE), Consejo General Dietistas-Nutricionistas de España
  • EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
  • EuDAP key objectives: Objective 4. Invest in establishing the effectiveness of dietitians
  • Target audience: Health professionals, Policy Makers
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