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Fruit and Vegetables at School

 2018 EuDAP Report / by admin / 733 views / Popular

“Frutta e Verdura nelle scuole” (Fruit and Vegetables at School), and promoted nutritional education to children aged 6-11 year, parents and teachers.

It also delivered fruit, vegetable and pulses during break


A European program

Over 30 million pupils across the EU receive fruit and vegetables thanks to the European Fruit and Vegetables in School Program.

In addition to the distribution of these products, the EU has provided schools with specific educational programs on the importance of proper nutrition and how food is produced.

The numbers of the project

In the school year 2018/2019, the Fruit and Vegetables in School Program 5290 school complexes involved, with 46301 classes and 858596 pupils participating in the project.
Actions: the distribution of fruit and vegetables as a snack, days dedicated to sensorial workshops and food education.

  • Listing ID: 419
  • National Dietetic Association: ITALY - Italian Association of Dietitians, Associazione Nazionale Dietisti (ANDID)
  • EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
  • EuDAP key objectives: Objective 2. Promote the gains of a healthy diet and nutritional support throughout the life course, Objective 3. Use dietitians as educators and experts in the community and clinical settings
  • Target audience: Children and Adolescents, Parents, Educators
  • Type: Event
  • Read more (link):
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Italy *****

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