Dietary supplements and herbal remedies affecting blood clotting
2020 EuDAP Report / by admin / 674 views / Popular
by Diana Artene, ND, MNS, PhD – EFAD ESDN Oncology
In the global uncertainty Coronavirus has abruptly threw us all in, many people are taking all sorts
of dietary supplements and herbal remedies in the hope they will increase their immunity.
But official reports published by clinicians fighting Covid-19 state that disordered blood clotting
is present in most infected patients severely affected. In the case of Coronavirus infection, we
do not know if this disordered coagulation increases the risk of severe disease, or if the virus
increases the risk of disordered coagulation. But what we do know from the influenza virus
infection is that it helps the virus become more aggressive, amplifying viral replication. Of
course, we also know that pre-existent cardiovascular disease increases the risk of severe infection,
that the infection in itself can associate cardiovascular complications, and that the treatment of the
infection can cause cardiovascular side effects. However, this disordered coagulation occurs,
indicating a severe prognosis in patients infected with Coronavirus.
But many people with multiple comorbidities including pre-existing cardiovascular disease and
many of the elderly on anticoagulant medication. And many dietary supplements and herbal
remedies interact with anticoagulant medication.
- Listing ID: 663
- National Dietetic Association: none or other than from the list
- EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
- EuDAP key objectives: Objective 3. Use dietitians as educators and experts in the community and clinical settings, Objective 4. Invest in establishing the effectiveness of dietitians
- Target audience: Health professionals
- Type: Article
- COVID-19 special issue: Yes
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